Monday, November 29, 2010

China's Education System

China's education system is composed of 4 components : Basic education, Occupational / Polytechnic Education, Common Higher Education and Adult education

Basic Education

Basic education comprises of pre-school education, primary (6 years) and junior (3 years) and senior (3 years) middle schooling.

Medium-level Occupational and Polytechnic Education

Mainly composed of medium-level professional schools, polytechnic schools, occupational middle schools as well as short-term occupational and technical training programs of various forms.

Common Higher Education

Common Higher Education comprises of Junior college, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programs. Junior college program usually last 2~3 years; Bachelor program 4 years (medical and some engineering and technical programs, 5 years); Master program 2~3 years and the Doctoral program last 3 years.

China's higher education is characterized by various forms which combines both degree-education and non-degree education and integrates college education, undergraduate education and graduate education.

Chinese government attaches great importance to the international cooperation and exchanges of higher education.Chinese government adopted the policy of supporting overseas studies, encouraging overseas students to come back after they complete their studies.

Adult Education

Adult schools usually consist of the following: Education Radio and Television Universities, Institutions of higher learning for workers and peasants, Education Institutes, institutions offering adult education for higher education (Evening universities, Advanced training for teachers), TV education via satellite as well as the system of examinations for self-taught students at higher level.

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